Time Away
Remove the Distractions and Get Back to Your Truth
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Coaching Intensives to Navigate Life’s Liminal Phases
Knowing you’re in the wrong job but lacking clarity and courage to move forward
Navigating changes - a layoff, the end of a relationship, a relocation, a change in life's roles
Feeling a general sense of dissatisfaction and disillusionment but unmotivated to address it - is this all there is?
These challenges are universal, but we tend to move through them quietly, slowly, and in isolation – if we address them at all. Time Away exists to support you through the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Process where you've been and dream into where you're going by putting intentional time aside.
Walk away with clarity, a sense of purpose, tools to work through your blocks, a roadmap you're motivated to execute, and accountability to see it through. What used to take months (or years) to materialize is attainable much faster when we take Time Away.
Hi, I'm Kit!
I'm a strategic coach trained in somatic techniques, emotional intelligence, mindset shifts, and pleasure practices. I've spent the last 20 years getting to the root of problems, and solving them.
I created Time Away because I know it works - I've been doing them for a decade to overcome codependency, burnout, the devastation of alcoholism, a lay off, a miscarriage and more.
This is the most peaceful and effective way to move through a tough time. You'll feel better once you face it, and facing it easier with a gorgeous backdrop.
Weekend Retreats Meets Weekly Coaching
Time Away is a one to three day experience custom designed to meet your needs, followed by weekly coaching to implement your next phase.
Deep, Personalized Coaching
Each experience is customized based on your circumstances and most urgent needs. Expect ample space to access your inner knowing alongside the comfort, structure and inspiration of a dedicated coach.
Powerful Tools and Strategies
Change brings our unfinished business to the surface. Get grounded by reconnecting to your values, giving yourself permission to want what you want, and identifying the limiting beliefs in your way.
Locations that Inspire Perspective
You’ll hike to mountaintops for your visioning work, tackle your most deeply rooted patterns next to a crackling fire, and integrate it all over a farm-to-table dinner. Set and setting designed to hold you when you crack open, and take you higher when inspiration strikes.
A Clear Roadmap and Accountability
Partner with a strategic expert to craft a 90 day or annual plan that energizes you into action. Identify the habits and behaviors you’ll need to be successful.
Choose Your Level of Support
6-Week Program: 2 Day Retreat with Weekly Coaching ($3000)
Best for those who want quick, targeted results, and have the ability to remain accountable once there is clarity on your next move.
3-Month Program: 3-Day Retreat with Weekly Coaching
Double the support of a traditional 3-month coaching program with a weekend retreat plus weekly coaching. Designed to ensure you keep momentum, work through blocks, and stay accountable to your vision.
6-Month Program: 2, 3-Day Retreats with Weekly Coaching ($9,500)
Best when you want to focus on 3+ significant changes (for example a career change, a family transition, and a new self-development goal). Two retreats with weekly coaching to gain alignment across multiple arenas of life.
Accommodations and Meals are not included; Budget $500-1000.
Want Time Away, But At Home?
Book a call to design a hyper local experience. Expect field trips to act as a tourist in your own town, multiple half day sessions, and excursions to spark your creativity.
What people are saying about Time Away
"Getting to work with Kit 1:1 for her Coaching Intensive came at the perfect time, after spending months building towards a more aligned career, being let go, and jumping into the deep end when I wasn't sure I was ready. The retreat gave me the opportunity to re-align and also see how I was standing in my own way, while Kit held space for all of it. It was beautiful to notice how each day built on the last, the experience deepening throughout, both intentionally and organically. Kit's balance of emotional attainment and business acumen was the perfect combination for me to get honest feedback on ideas that haven't yet seen the light of day, to be reflected with my own blocks, and to create both an intuitive but structured roadmap and plan going forward. One of my intentions for the retreat was to figure out how the career I dreamed of could still feel spacious. In the days since, I've implemented changes that have transformed my days from feeling restrictive, overly structured, and devoid of free time, to feeling spacious, structured in the right way, and even leisurely! Reading in a hammock at 11am anyone!?"
Briana, 20s, Newly Minted Independent consultant
"For a while I was feeling my professional and personal life had become static and stuck. After spending years making an impact with purpose driven work my life was feeling adrift. I didn't know what my next chapter was or lost track of what I even desired.
Kit helped me rediscover and reconnect to my deepest passions and ambitions. She utilized a range of modalities to help me uncover and work through my blocks at a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Kit brings both empathy and rigor to her coaching in a way that really resonated with me. The balance of intensive 1:1 work coupled with time for personal reflection in a beautiful natural environment contributed to being able to do intense deep inner work with a short timeframe.
The weekend was expertly and thoughtfully curated in a way that felt very bespoke to me and my goals.
I emerged from the weekend renewed, reinvigorated and empowered to take charge of shaping my life. The experience helped connect me back to the core of my being that had been dormant for far too long. I recommend Kit to anyone going through a transition who has the courage to make a meaningful change in their lives."
- Dan, early 40s, Corporate Sustainability Leader
On Kit's coaching style:
FABULOUS SESSION! I feel SO much lighter and at peace in my body. You helped me see and navigate a block (feeling backed into a corner with "I need to prove myself" energy) that really wanted my attention. You have a way of reflecting my blocks back to me in a very nurturing and nonjudgemental way, which really helps me meet myself and heal. I absolutely love getting to work with you. You are incredibly gifted and masterful in advanced coaching, and I am very lucky to be your client. Truly, I appreciate you so, so much.
Randi, mid 40s, Business Owner
5% for the planet and 5% for the community
Time Away supports taking of ourselves, and each other. 5% of proceeds benefit local conservation groups (Sonoma County Conservation Action) and 5% goes to communities native to the lands we’re visiting (Sonoma County Indian Health Project).
When the wellness industry focuses only on individual transformation, we ignore social determinants to health like poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to healthcare and more. We can easily forget that humans are part of an ecosystem that's sometimes thriving, sometimes barely surviving. We can evolve this mindset to ensure the notion of wellness includes our communities, our planet and ourselves.
Contact Kit
Want to talk about Time Away live? Book a 30 minute call to learn more about the experience and see if it's a good fit for you.
Prior to becoming a coach, Kit spent two decades as a change-maker and innovator, always striving to identify and address the root causes of problems. She's obsessed with efficacy.
Kit is trained by the Institute for Coaching Mastery, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and as a Yoga Teacher and Pleasure Coach. She's studied with experts like Tony Robbins, Alison Armstrong, Milagros Phillips, and Rachel Turner, and with institutions like Esalen, Spirit Rock, The Hoffman Institute and Intuitive Eating. She's a regular at Al Anon.
Prior to coaching, Kit spent nearly a decade at Alphabet, where she led impact initiatives like YouTube's Mental Health program, Google Sustainability and Google.Org marketing, and education and economic opportunity efforts. She also led Brand Strategy for YouTube and oversaw its social impact marketing efforts.
Before that, she focused on movement-building to address human trafficking, poverty, and water access at Purpose. She began her career developing brands at agencies like Anomaly and TBWA\CHIAT\DAY.
Kit is passionate about leveraging wellbeing as a tool for inspired, sustainable, and fulfilling contribution.